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As a celebration of teen girlhood and coming of age, quinceañeras are an opportunity to assert Latinx/e visibility, joy, pride, and family. Quinceañeras take months or even years to plan, and coincide with U.S. teens’ entrance into high school, joining the celebration with a time in which girls experience physical and emotional growth, expand their social knowledge, and learn about the changes happening in their bodies.

Sometimes, quinceañeras attend confirmation classes that spiritually prepare them for adulthood. Prayers and ofrendas (religious offerings) traditionally are made to the altar of the Virgin Mary, who is asked to intercede for the protection of the girl as she is becoming a woman. A rosary and special candles call to mind Catholic communion and are blessed along with a bible, all of the jewelry, and the pillow used to kneel for mass.

The quinceañera’s outfit is the central element of the entire celebration and is often the most expensive or laborious component. Quinceañera attire is usually formal, and femininity is typically displayed with an elegant ball gown reminiscent of wedding and princess dresses. These gowns come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and are traditionally white, pink, or pastel shades to symbolize girlhood and virginity. Contemporary quinceañeras show off their personalities with bold color choices and sparkly elements, and sometimes wear suits instead of gowns.

Quinceañera parties are incomplete without a cake and champagne toast to top off the banquet and festivities. These elaborate pastries often match the color and motifs of the party, and range in size, tiers, and flavors.At the end of the night, party guests are typically given a recuerdo (keepsake) to take home as a thank-you gift from the quinceañera’s family. Many times, the centerpieces of each banquet table are composed of real or artificial floral arrangements, and these become recuerdos in effect as well.

As one of the longest processes of the entire experience, quinceañeras curate, learn and embody a set of dances that compose a large part of their presentation and the spectacle of the party. Choreography dance practices for the quinceañera typically occur a week to three months, and sometimes up to six months, before the party. These dances include la entrada, el vals, el baile de la últimamuñeca, el baile con los padrinos, and el baile sorpresa. Along with her corte de honor made up of family and friends, quinceañeras explore their cultural roots, class, gender, and sexuality.